Universidad Loyola
Experimental Methods
Pablo Brañas is Professor of Behavioural Economics at Universidad Loyola since April 2018. Previously, he was Professor of Behavioural Economics at Middlesex University London (2012-18) and Professor of Economic Theory at the University of Granada (2009-12).
He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, member of the IRB of IMV-RCT (MISSM) @inclusiongob, Founder of the Spanish Network of Experimental and Behavioral Economics (red e3c) and member of the @ESRC College.
Previously, he served as President of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (2016-18), Associate Editor at JBEE and PLoS ONE.
The impact of generative artificial intelligence on socioeconomic inequalities and policy making
Young teens at play: Girls are egalitarian, boys are generous
The cultural prevalence of the minimal group effect
Nature Human Behavior (PRR), Forthcoming.The complexity of climate change mitigation: An experiment with large groups
Triadic influence as a proxy for compatibility in social relationships
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023.Born this way? Prenatal exposure to testosterone may determine behavior in competition and conflict
The adventure of running experiments with teenagers
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2023.Social interaction and negotiation outcomes: An experimental approach
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2023.Parents’ knowledge and predictions about the age of menarche: Experimental evidence from Honduras
Paid and hypothetical time preferences are the same: Lab, field and online evidence
Continuous and binary sets of responses differ in the field
Cultural and group-functional punishment behavior
On the transmission of democratic values
Anchors matter: Eliciting maternal expectations on educational outcomes
Does the die-under-the-cup device exaggerate cheating?
Exposure to the Covid-19 pandemic environment and generosity
Royal Society Open Science, 2022.To pay or not to pay: Measuring risk preferences in lab and field
Hyper-altruistic behavior vanishes with high stakes
Cognitive abilities and risk-taking: Errors, not preferences
Exposure to inequality may cause under-provision of public goods: Experimental evidence
Altruism and information
Cognitive Reflection Test: Whom, how, when
Digit ratio (2D:4D) and pro-social behavior in economic games: No direct correlation with with generosity, bargaining, or trust-related behaviors
The appropriate response of Spanish Gitanos: short-run orientation beyond current socio-economic status
Experimental and self-reported measures of risk taking and digit ratio (2D:4D): Evidence from a large, systematic study.
Gender Differences in Altruism on Mechanical Turk: Expectations and Actual Behaviour
Humans expect generosity
Strategic risk and response time across games
Register replication report: Rand, Green & Novak (2012)
The emergence of altruism as a social norm
Editorial: Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior in Economic Games
Self-identified obese people request less money: A field experiment
Editorial: Cognitive abilities and economic behavior
Context dependent cheating: Experimental evidence from 16 countries
Short- and long-run goals in ultimatum bargaining: Impatience predicts spite-based behavior
BMI is not related to altruism, fairness, trust or reciprocity: Experimental evidence from the field and the lab
Patient and impatient punishers of free-riders
Design of a results and impact evaluation mechanism for PRPEES Programme in Central America
BCIE – Central American Bank for Economic Integration (2020 - 2021)Pablo BrañasPablo BrañasLorenzo EstepaJuan B. GonzálezDiego JorratMónica VascoMaría José VázquezImpact evaluation (RCT) of a social norm marketing campaign to improve learning outcomes in North-West Nigeria.
Nigerian Government and the World Bank (2018 - 2020)Ericka RasconPablo BrañasLorenzo EstepaDiego JorratEricka RasconImpact evaluation (DiD) of La Caixa Incorpora program in Andalucía.
Fundación La Caixa (2019 - 2019)Pablo BrañasMaría José VázquezAlmudena AmorósPablo BrañasAna HernándezDiego JorratMaría C. LópezPatricia RománMaría José VázquezDiffusion of mobile banking among rural women in Peru
Peruvian Digital Payments (2016 - 2016)Pablo BrañasPablo BrañasJaromir KovarikEricka RasconReflections on inequality and humanistic management
IAJBS (2024 - 2024)Adriana GaviriaMaría A. AlaminosAntonio AlfonsoPablo BrañasMaría José VázquezEnvironmental Consciousness: A Behavioral Rebound Effect
4th EU-LAC Joint Call STI 2022 [EULAC-2022-166] (2023 - 2025)Pablo BrañasFilippos ExadaktylosMaría A. AlaminosAntonio AlfonsoRana Umair AshrafPablo BrañasBartlomiej Dessoulavy-SliwinskiAntonio M. EspinTere GarcíaAdriana GaviriaDiego JorratJaromir KovarikMapi RamosCarlos RamosMaría José VázquezSustainable Welfare: Rethinking the roles of Family, Market and State (SUSTAINWELL)
European Research Executive Agency (2023 - 2026)Pablo BrañasPablo BrañasGladis GonzalesNoelia RiveraExclusión, preferencias y habilidades entre adolescentes
Proyecto I+D+i FEDER 2020 (2022 - 2023)Antonio M. EspinTere GarcíaPablo BrañasAntonio CabralesAntonio AlfonsoAntonio M. EspinFilippos ExadaktylosTere GarcíaPablo LomasMapi RamosPatricia RománMónica VascoMaría José VázquezEstudio de competencias y habilidades de alumnado de secundaria de origen migrante: brechas educativas post-Covid19
Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (2021 - 2023)Lorenzo EstepaMaría José VázquezPablo BrañasAntonio CabralesAntonio AlfonsoAntonio M. EspinMaria Paz EspinosaLorenzo EstepaTere GarcíaJaromir KovarikBenjamin PrisseMapi RamosAnxo SánchezMónica VascoMaría José VázquezSeed money for the preparation of ITN-Horizon 2020
Paris School of Economics (2020 - 2021)Pablo BrañasPablo BrañasInformative (economic) experiments on inequity
Excellence-Junta Andalucía (2020 - 2022)Pablo BrañasAntonio AlfonsoAlmudena AmorósGiuseppe AttanasiPablo BrañasAntonio CabralesAntonio M. EspinMaria Paz EspinosaJuan Francisco FerreroTere GarcíaRoberto HernánAna HernándezNatalia JimenezLuis MillerPaloma Ubeda MollaCristian OlarteLaura PadillaEricka RasconJavier RoderoPatricia RománGranada Lab of Behavioral Economics (GLOBE, SEJ-492)
PAI-Junta Andalucía (2019 - 2020)Tere GarcíaLuis AmadorPablo BrañasRiccardo CiacciAntonio M. EspinTere GarcíaAna HernándezNatalia JimenezDiego JorratGonzalo LlamosasMaría C. LópezLaura PadillaNoelia RiveraMaría José VázquezEconomic experiments outside the lab (OutLabExp)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (2019 - 2021)Pablo BrañasTere GarcíaAntonio AlfonsoLuis AmadorGiuseppe AttanasiPablo BrañasAntonio CabralesPedro CaldenteyRiccardo CiacciAntonio M. EspinTere GarcíaJuan B. GonzálezAna HernándezMaría C. LópezLaura PadillaMapi RamosNoelia RiveraPatricia RománMónica VascoMaría José VázquezRed Española de Economía Experimental y del Comportamiento (e3c)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (2019 - 2021)Pablo BrañasMaria Paz EspinosaTere GarcíaAna HernándezLuis AmadorPablo BrañasPedro CaldenteyRiccardo CiacciAntonio M. EspinMaria Paz EspinosaLorenzo EstepaTere GarcíaAna HernándezDiego JorratJaromir KovarikGonzalo LlamosasMaría C. LópezErnesto MesaLaura PadillaBenjamin PrisseMapi RamosPatricia RománMaría José VázquezDiffusion of mobile banking among rural women: Incentivizing local leaders vs. a marketing campaign
Behind the support for redistributive politics: Social preferences or beliefs?
Predictors of bullying victimization at school: a network approach
Paying £1 or nothing in Dictator Games: No differences
Teenage girls are egalitarian, and boys are generous
TeensLab dataset: Economic preferences and cognitive abilities among teenagers
The development of rationality in games with hidden information
Loyola Repository, 2023.Developmental Meritocracy
Developmental equilibrium selection
The baking of preferences throughout high school
The role of unobservable characteristics in friendship network formation
Parents’ knowledge and predictions about the age of menarche: Experimental evidence from Honduras
Known by the company we keep: `Triadic influence’ as a proxy for compatibility in social relationships
The effect of ambiguity in strategic environments: an experiment
Continuous and binary sets of responses are not the same: Evidence from the field
Hyper-altruistic behavior vanishes with high stakes
Gender differences in overplacement in familiar and unfamiliar tasks: Far more similarities
Visual convex time preferences: Lab, field and high schools
Paid and hypothetical time preferences are the same: Lab, field and online evidence
To pay or not to pay: Measuring risk preferences in lab and field
Exposure to economic inequality at the age of 8 enhances prosocial behavior in adult life
Order matters : eliciting maternal beliefs on educational choices
Exposure to the Covid-19 Pandemic and Generosity in Southern Spain
Spread of Information, Inequality and Cooperation
No moral wiggles in e5 and e1,000 dictator games under ambiguity
Bringing together “old” and “new” ways of solving social dilemmas? The case of Spanish Gitanos
Does Pre-Play Social Interaction Improve Negotiation Outcomes?
‘Born this Way’? Prenatal Exposure to Testosterone May Determine Behavior in Competition and Conflict
Consistent and inconsistent choices under uncertainty: The role of cognitive abilities
Altruism and information