

e3c Xmas Workshop


  • Filippos Exadaktylos(ICTA/UAB)
  • Jaromir Kovarik (EHU/UPV)


Red Española de Economía Experimental y del Comportamiento e3c (RED2018-102353-T).



Monday 21st December 

Session 1 09:00-10:40

Pau Balart (Universitat de les Illes Balears): Framing Effects on Risk-Taking Behavior: Evidence from a Field Experiment.

Benjamin Prisse (Universidad Loyola Andalucía): Visual Convex Time Preferences.

Maria Pereda (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid): Competing for congestible goods: experimental evidence on parking choice.

David Puig (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): Taste for Variety: A Discrete Choice Model with History-Dependent Utility.


Session 2 11:00-12:00 (Guest speaker)

Carlos Alós-Ferrer (University of Zurich): Stochastic Choice and Preference Reversals.


Session 3 12:20-14:00

Ernesto Mesa-Vázquez (Universidad de Valencia): Standard vs random dictator games. The effect of role uncertainty on generosity.

Roberto Di Paolo (Universidad de Alicante): Manipulating Cognition in the One-Shot StagHunt Game Played Online.

Diego Jorrat (Universidad Loyola Andalucía): Paid and hypothetical time preferences are the same: Lab, field and online evidence.

María de Pino Ramos Sosa (Universidad Loyola Andalucía): Express yourself: continuous vs. binary responses are not the same.


Session 4 14:30-15:45

Irene Mussio (Newcastle University Business School): The impact of COVID-19 on higher order risk attitudes.

Demetrio Carmona (Universidad de Granada): Sesgo ideológico y satisfacción ciudadana con la sanidad pública

Annarita Colasante (Universitat Jaume I): The role of trust in the response to lockdown interventions during COVID-19.


Session 5 16:00-17:40

David Pascual (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Cheaters, Liars, or Both? A New Classification of Dishonesty Profiles.

Rocco Caferra (Universitat Jaume I): A network approach to identify financial market efficiency: evidence from a laboratory analysis.

Adrián Muñoz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Gender Differences in Dishonesty.

Nuria Rodríguez-Priego (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): Examining how the possibility of evading taxes influences the level of effort and tax rates in an experimental context.